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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Italian passion for German precision

Magazine PIP • Practical implantology and implant prosthetics • August 2018

Italian passion for German precision

When visiting the impressive manufacturing facility, with 25 CNC machines alone, you will also come across the “Mercedes” of manufacturing technology such as the Swiss Tornos, a five-axis machine, which at C-Tech is purely tasked with the manufacture of mini-implants. Currently they are the largest manufacturer in Europe for this specific type of implant. Mini-implants are popular as a minimally-invasive option for creating an immediate restoration, which is currently a highly sought-after alternative for fast and good functional care of older patients. An impressive neighbour is the Willemin Macodell (the Rolls-Royce of CNC machines), which can be fitted with 48 different CNC cutters. It can change tools in 1.4 seconds and can be used in any conceivable axis, including for the manufacture of angled mini-abutments. C-Tech was one of the first companies to move over to cooling all computer-controlled machine tools using water-miscible bio-lubricants. The plant-based oil is odour-free, improves machining and even has a wider range of applications than mineral oil products. “And even though of course we run extensive cleaning processes for the finished parts, it’s still one risk factor less”, comments Lütfü Agic with respect to the recently published independent surface study by the University of Cologne, where the C-Tech implant surfaces were tested as an example, in testing applied to very few dental implant surfaces on the dental market.

Scientific Publications

Caso clínico de rehabilitación total del maxilar superior con protocolo de cirugía guiada y carga inmediata

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Complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading: a retrospective clinical study on 12 patients with 1 year of follow-up

Henriette Lerner, Uli Hauschild, Robert Sader & Shahram Ghanaati Resumen - Antecedentes La cirugía de implantes guiada se considera un procedimiento seguro y mínimamente invasivo sin colgajo. Sin embargo, la cirugía guiada sin colgajo, la colocación de implantes en alvéolos post-extracción y la carga inmediata de reconstrucciones fijas de arcadas completas sin goma artificial aún no se han evaluado en profundidad. El objetivo del presente estudio clínico retrospectivo fue documeDescubre más

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Rehabilitación de la mandíbula mediante implantación inmediata y restauración inmediata Flujo de trabajo digital

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Webinario | Planificación de implantes digitales y cirugía de implantes guiada – Flujo de trabajo y consejos para mejorar

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