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ND / Narrow Diameter Implant

ND Line,dental implants,dentures
ND Line,dental implants,dentures

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C-TECH gewährt eine Garantie von 10 Jahren auf alle Implantate und Teile. Zum Anfordern der Garantie und um Näheres zu erfahren, hier klicken.

ND / Narrow Diameter Implant

ND Line,dental implants,denturesDas Narrow Diameter Dentalimplantat ist ein zweigliedriges Implantat mit schlankem Implantatkörper und einem Plattformdurchmesser von nur 3 mm. Dieses Implantat ist ideal im Falle von engen Platzverhältnissen in der vorderen Region des krestalen Kieferknochens. Ein großzügig angelegtes Gewinde auf dem Körper des Implantats und zudem ein schärferes Schneidgewinde an der Spitze geben mehr Stabilität und erleichtern die Insertion.

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  • 1Abgeschrägte Schulter
  • 2Mikro-Rillen
  • 3Passivierte Oberfläche
  • 4Aggressives apikales Design
  • 5RAbgerundete Spitze
  • 6Doppelte Gewindeführung
  • 7Gewinde im Gewinde / Rille in Rille
  • 8Platform switching
  • 9Index-Sechskant
  • 10Schraubkonusverbindung (cono-morse)
  • 11Konische Verbindung
  • Subkrestaler Sitz des Implantates
  • Drei unterschiedliche Gewindeprofile


Durchmesser ø 3.1

ø 3.1/9 mm ND-3009
ø 3.1/11 mm ND-3011
ø 3.1/13 mm ND-3013
* Alle ND Narrow Diameter Implantate werden inklusive Schraubverschluss geliefert.


Purity and precision

Material purity and surface treatment

Material purity starts with the acquisition of raw material from only the most reliable sources of which each lot is accompanied by its own material certificate and is completely traceable at all phases of production and later use. The production facility in which all the implants and components are made is owned and operated by C-TECH and is certified to the highest standards governing the production of dental/medical devices. To maintain these standards, regular and independent audits are performed by the German auditor, TUV Süd. All up to date certificates are available for download on the company website.

The machining of the EL implant is an intricate process due to the precision required for the Morse conical connection and the exterior complexity of the implant. This intricacy requires double the machining time that would be necessary for that of an average implant. Throughout and following each step of the production process, the implants are thoroughly cleaned in 5 seperate cleaning stages, consisting of a total of 20 cleaning cycles. This attention to cleanliness is in order to assure that no risk of any production residue is remaining on the implant surface.

The surface topography is created through a patented acid etching process. The adjacent photos made with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) demonstrate the lack of impurities on the implant surface as well the abundant surface area created through the patented acidification process.

The purity of the grade 4 titanium used for the EL implant and the surface topology were independently verified through an investigation carried out with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) by the University of Cologne and Medical Material Research Center of Berlin, Germany. The investigation demonstrated the highest level of purity and cleanliness resulting in the award of the BDIZ quality seal. This investigation is avaliable in its long form on the C-TECH website.

Precision components

The successful achievement of a Morse lock and cold weld seal in the implant-prosthetic connection depends on high precision machining. A perfect Morse connection will result in a structural integrity and strength that will be as if the 2 parts were fused together and thus will practically eliminate the gap between the implant and the abutment. Accordingly, the C-TECH components are machined to a tolerance of within 10 microns.

This mechanical fusion of the prosthetic part and the implant has 2 important benefits; prevention of the bacterial colonization of the gap, which can lead to bone loss around the implant, as well as the elimination of micro-movements between the implant and abutment and the consequent screw loosening which can lead to prosthetic failure. The SEM photos on the right show different magnifications of the tight abutment and implant connection. The final photo at the bottom, at 1000 X magnification, shows a fine line where the abutment and the implant meet. This practically nonexistent gap is less than the 1,5 microns width of the bacteria to be found in the oral cavity.

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